Tuesday, September 29, 2015

3rd appoiment

Clomid 100mg seem like didnt work out for me. No follicle yg membesar and lining is too thin. So dr ask to wait for another 3 weeks and see the progress if she will prescribe me with another medication. 

Upset? Yes but no. This is all Allah's work. I believe and I redha. 

InsyaAllah. :) 

[UPDATE] kos rawatan ttc dengan dr alaa

-1st appoiment:le150
-Lab test for blood check for LH, FSH, thyroid and another one lupa : le361
-2nd appoiment : le75
-3rd appoiment : le150 
-semen analysis : le85
-4th appoiment : le75
-Med (cycloprogynova and clomid 50mg)  for 4th app : le26

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clomid 1st cycle

Excited sangat bila dr bg I clomid. Haha, da lama nak makan tapi doktor2 before ni tak pena bagi. 

So I mula makin clomid hari ni, khamis 17/9/2015 with 100mg. I akan jumpa doktor lagi hari Ahad 27/9/2015. I doa sangat2 and berharap sangat ada good news. Tak shabar. 

On the mean time, hubby kena check sperm and I am very nervousss. Semoga semuanya baik2 sahaja. Kalau dulu boleh dikatakan 0% sperm count, this time hopefully boleh dapat normal sperm count. 

Dah 3 bulan rasanya dia makan zinc, speman and kapikachu. InsyaAllah good result! 

Pray for us and baby dust to all u 👶👶